Biblical Assurance Audio and Video | Paul Washer
The issue of assurance of salvation is of extreme importance. Fundamentally, assurance of salvation is only possible because the Lord Jesus Christ has finished his satisfactory work on the cross, is now in heaven for us, and will one day return for his people to bless them fully and finally. His people are those who believe in him and look EXCLUSIVELY to him for salvation. Every person who looks to him in faith will be saved. This doctrine is absolutely true. But the Bible demonstrates that this doctrine is open to abuse, and it sets out to guard it with at least two companion doctrines.
First, in regeneration it teaches that God's work of salvation involves an immediate transformation of the inner man, and because of this transformation our thoughts and actions begin to change accordingly. For instance, Paul asks the question in Romans 6:2, "How can we who died to sin still live in it?" Or we might say, "How can we who have been freed from sin's enslaving power still serve it gladly?" Believers can know they have believed because they have been fundamentally changed and are no longer slaves to sin but to God.
The second way the Bible guards this teaching about our assurance is with clear doctrine about the nature of the Christian life. First, it corrects the person who disregards God's commands and demonstrates such people have no faith at all. As James says, "faith without works is dead." Second, it gives various tests to professing Christians by which they may discern whether they are in fact believing in Christ according to his terms of faith and repentance. As the Apostle John says in his first letter, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know you have eternal life." According to John, believers can know they have eternal life in Jesus Christ because they walk in the light and practice the truth.
These five messages on assurance deal not so much with the strength and certainty of the work of Christ (important and primary as that is), but with the application of these companion doctrines which are so necessary for knowing you have a living faith. Naturally, any professing believer struggling with the state of their soul would be greatly helped by these messages. This is one of the primary reasons John wrote his first letter.
Biblical Assurance Part 1 of 5
Biblical Assurance Part 2 of 5
Biblical Assurance Part 3 of 5
Biblical Assurance Part 4 of 5
Biblical Assurance Part 5 of 5
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Biblical Assurance Part 1 of 5 |
Biblical Assurance Part 2 of 5 |
Biblical Assurance Part 3 of 5 |
Biblical Assurance Part 4 of 5 |
Biblical Assurance Part 5 of 5 |