Conference for Pastors and Teachers 2004 MP3 | Various Speakers
The Conference for Pastors and Teachers in 2004 was dedicated to the topic of the gospel, specifically in opposing modern, false ideas about salvation and replacing them with biblical teachings. The first three messages on this MP3 are from Charles Leiter and focus on the topic of “regeneration,” a doctrine which must be reclaimed by the Church if it is to confront wickedness and change lives. Regeneration is a miracle of God in which He changes a man’s heart, so that what was once a sinner is now a lover of God and man. In these sermons, Charles works through nine pictures which the Bible uses to discuss regeneration; the result is a full view of this great transformation worked by God in believers. The next three messages on this collection were delivered by Michael Morrow on the fallacies of “easy-believism.” He defines easy-believism as “the idea that a man can say or do something to save himself.” His first sermon is dedicated to explaining how the Church has always battled this mentality, and he describes its current popularity. The next message explains ten specific fallacies involved in easy-believism and gives biblical refutations. His last sermon describes biblical evangelism and urges us to practice it. The last six messages on this MP3 are from Michael Durham and describe “the essence and nature of the gospel.” Mainly, these sermons are an exposition of the first three chapters of Paul’s letter to the Romans. His aim, again, is to break our minds free of modern corruptions of the gospel and revive the Scriptural message.
Regeneration (Part 1 of 3) | Charles Leiter
Regeneration (Part 2 of 3) | Charles Leiter
Regeneration (Part 3 of 3) | Charles Leiter
The Fallacies of Easy Believism (Part 1 of 3) | Mike Morrow
The Fallacies of Easy Believism (Part 2 of 3) | Mike Morrow
The Fallacies of Easy Believism (Part 3 of 3) | Mike Morrow
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 1 of 6) | Mike Durham
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 2 of 6) | Mike Durham
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 3 of 6) | Mike Durham
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 4 of 6) | Mike Durham
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 5 of 6) | Mike Durham
The Essence and Nature of the Gospel (Part 6 of 6) | Mike Durham