To donate, go to the Quantity field above and type in the dollar amount which you would like to donate. It must be whole dollars, no cents. Then click Add to Cart.
On this page, you can donate specifically to support our What-You-Can-Afford Policy, written below for your convenience.
ALL of the resources available on the Granted Ministries website are offered to any who will benefit from them, whether they can pay for them or not. If you believe that you can be helped by a particular resource, and you will commit to working through it prayerfully within the next six months, but you cannot afford to purchase it, then this offer is for you. This policy does not exist so that those who would buy four books can now buy five, but so that those who are truly unable to obtain these resources may do so by God's provision.
There is a legitimate cost for books, order processing, and shipping, but we don't want this to be an obstacle to anyone. Maintaining this policy certainly costs money, and we are glad to set aside a portion of every order to fund it. If you want to take advantage of this offer you can simply fill out this request, and we will get back to you within a week. If there is money available, we will work with you to find an amount that you can afford. We are not willing to close our hands on the truth which God has given us, simply because you cannot afford to cover our costs. We are glad to serve God and His people with whatever funds he makes available.
Our online ordering process does not handle this policy. Individuals are required to contact us through an online form.