Glory of God in the Face of Christ | Charles Leiter
Texts: John 1:1, 14; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Since the HeartCry Missionary Conference 2005 was about the attributes of God, it was most fitting for it to draw to a close by discussing the most perfect of all God’s manifestations: Jesus Christ. As Charles Leiter says in these sermons, this is the very essence of the Christian message: the revelation of God on earth in Jesus of Nazareth.
In these two messages, Leiter demonstrates how the words and the works of Christ are proof of His divinity. The first message focuses on His words, namely their authority, simplicity, profundity, wisdom, and radicality—and how all of these together prove the deity of Jesus. The second message focuses on the work of Jesus, not only His miracles, but also the rich goodness of all His actions—once again proving His claim to be God incarnate.
Evangelistically, these messages are best for people who claim to respect Jesus as a “great teacher” but who refuse to believe that He is the Son of God. Leiter deliberately shows the foolishness of such a position. For Christians, the content of these messages should factor prominently in any study of the person of Christ.
The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ (Part 1 of 2) (from the HeartCry Missionary Conference 2005: The Attributes of God)
The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2) (from the HeartCry Missionary Conference 2005: The Attributes of God)