Melissa Yakes and Friends | Melissa Yakes
Our Take
We believe that this CD is exemplary of the kind of music we would like to see promoted in every generation of Christians: truth-shaped lyrics, biblical themes, Christ-centered devotion, experiential honesty, and singable tunes. Melissa has written very briefly about each song below, and we will let that suffice for any extra information on the CD.
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- Praise Him More
- Baby
- Peter's Denial
- Peace Be Still
- Hannah's Prayer
- Look at Me
- Draw Near
- Command My Strength
- Glory of Christ
- Transformed
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- Restoration
- Resting in Grace
- Garrison
- In Trouble with the Law
- Praises Instrumental
- There is a Peace
- My God is So Big
Download the Entire Album
Song Stories
These are Melissa's own words about the songs and how they came about. Enjoy!
1) Praise Him More
This is a poem that my great uncle wrote that I set to music. He said he wrote it after reading Psalm 71 and reflecting on getting older.
2) Baby
I wrote this song for a baby shower. I love that we can come to God, like a little child, for comfort.
3) Peter's Denial
This is actually the first song that I wrote. After reading a newsletter from Jon Bloom (www.desiringgod.org) on the subject, it made me want to write a song about it. I had never considered before how Jesus gave Peter three chances to say "I love You" to make up for the three times that he had denied Him. Jesus didn't have to do that, but was very kind to give him those chances.
4) Peace Be Still
This is a song I found in my hymn book. It was originally called "Master, the Tempest is Raging", and was written by Mary A. Baker, although I did add the words for the bridge.
5) Hannah's Prayer
I wrote this after reading the account of Hannah in 1 Samuel. There seems to be such a parallel to the Christian life, needing God to supply the life, and Hannah's desire for a child. She is completely selfless and offers Samuel up for God's use, if only God will "bring life" to her barren womb.
6) Look at Me
My friend, Rachel Vann, wrote this poem, and I set it to music. It is perhaps the most moving song on the CD for me. How often we need God to lift our downcast eyes to look at Him!
7) Draw Near
This song came about after hearing Bob Jennings (a pastor in Sedalia, MO) speak on the humanity of Christ. He said, "The One that made the oceans said, 'I thirst!" It really struck me as being incredible, so I sat down to write the song. I'm always mindful of more verses that could be added. It is baffling when you stop to consider the humility that God had to take on to live fully as a man.
8) Command My Strength
Yet another song written for a baby shower. This one was very difficult for me, as I went through at least three poems about the book of Daniel (that was the baby's name), as I had been asked to focus the song on that book if I could. Let me warn you, don't waste your time trying to come up with an appropriate song for a baby from the book of Daniel! I spent two laborious weeks on that thing, and finally wrote the one you hear now with just minutes to spare. What a grace that I was able to remember the tune, as the baby shower was my first time practicing the new song!
9) Glory of Christ
I can't remember why I wrote this song. I have a vague feeling that it was after hearing Bob Jennings speak again.
10) Transformed
This was another hymn that I redid the tune to. It was written by Mrs. F. G. Burroughs.
11) God Moves in a Mysterious Way
This is a hymn written by William Cowper that my friend, Rachel Vann, switched the tune to. I feel like she just used a tune from another song, but am not certain. She sings and plays the piano in this one.
12) Restoration
This was the last song written for the album. A friend asked me to write a song, as her marriage was just being restored after a hard time of separation. She told me she often thought about how God said that He would restore the years that the locusts had eaten (Joel 2), and I went off that.
13) Resting in Grace
After having a hard time at work, I just started reflecting on truth, and this song came out.
14) Garrison
This song is based off of 1 Samuel 14, where Jonathan and his armor bearer go up against the enemy, completely trusting the Lord to help them.
15) In Trouble With the Law
A friend, Dan Hargrave, wrote the words to this. After being sentenced to jail time, he became a Christian, and suddenly the time spent in jail was the most freedom he had ever known, spiritually speaking.
16) Praises
This instrumental actually had words, originally, but Rachel Vann wanted me to just put the tune on here, as it was the song she walked down the aisle to get married to.
17) There Is a Peace
A poem written by Morris Venden, quoted by Darlene Deibler. I'm a huge fan of Darlene's book, Evidence Not Seen.
18) My God Is so Big
I have no idea who actually wrote this children's song. It was fun, though, and full of truth! Meghan and Kaitlyn Kelly and Rachel Vann join me in singing on this one.