One True God eBook | Paul Washer
We offer this edition of the book for free pdf download for those that want this specific edition. However, an updated version has been made by the author, and we would recommend you get that version directly from his website, Heartcrymissionary.com You may also purchase a print edition of the book from that website.
There are certainly many different books on the attributes of God, and many of them are very helpful (we recommend several). But this workbook, in our opinion, is the best introductory treatment of the Bible's doctrine of God. This is because you are not simply listening to another talk about the glory of what they have seen, but are sticking your nose in the Bible and seeing it for yourself. The other books have their rightful place, just as preaching has a rightful place in the church. But this study is not about listening or reading the truth that God has given to another, but rather is more like having that same preacher sit down with you, carefully guiding you through biblical passages and themes in order to help you see the glory for yourself, and to know that it is indeed the truth of the Bible. The book is clearly a book for newer Christians, but many we know have gone through the study even years after becoming a Christian and really benefitted from it. It is is truly a helpful study for anyone wanting to know more of what the Bible teaches about God.