Sanctification | Mack Tomlinson
Text: Philippians 2:12-13
At the HeartCry Missionary Conference 2004, Mack Tomlinson preached on the topic of sanctification. These two sermons contain tremendously foundational concepts that Christians would do well to consider if they are at all serious about what it means to walk with the Lord in an increasingly holy manner. Mack emphasizes that the subject of sanctification is a process and that it would be a serious error to consider it optional. The notion that a man or woman could be a Christian, and yet not have this aspect of progressive sanctification in his or her life, is biblically indefensible.
In the first of the two messages, following an introduction to the subject, Mack discusses the heavenly side, or God’s active role, in a Christian’s sanctification. God is constantly working everything in our lives together in order to sanctify us and make us more and more into the holy image of the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the second message, Mack focuses on the temporal side, or the individual Christian’s active role, in sanctification. Both God and the Christian are actively at work in sanctification. The whole idea that sanctification is passive for the Christian (promoted by sayings like “let go and let God”) is completely false. The Scriptures are full of commands for Christians to press on actively in sanctification, with God being just as active all the while. It is a paradox that ought to move every Christian to exult in the truth of God’s word all the more.
These messages have been particularly helpful for many Christians in understanding the subject of sanctification in a more biblical way, and they are a worthy exhortation to press on in becoming more and more like our wondrous Lord Jesus.
Sanctification (Part 1 of 2)
Sanctification (Part 2 of 2)