Spiritual Emphasis Week | Paul Washer
These are the messages that started it all for us here at Granted Ministries. They are from Spiritual Emphasis Week at Hannibal-LaGrange College in 1998. The essence of these messages is absolutely right: the gospel of Jesus Christ has been replaced by shallow teaching that does not save, and we must return to the biblical doctrine of salvation. The spirit of Paul’s presentation, while hard and too rough for the tastes of some, was absolutely needed in the original setting.
In “What’s Wrong with American Christianity?” he takes many common “Christian” beliefs and practices and shows them to be grossly unbiblical. This leaves one wondering just what the gospel is, and he answers that question in “What Is the Grace of the Gospel?” In the next message, “How Can You Have Assurance?” he seeks to refute false ideas regarding assurance of salvation, showing that true assurance comes from a Christ-like lifestyle. The message on “The Holiness of God” seeks to re-instill what is greatly lacking in Christians today: a sense of God’s purity, majesty, and complete other-ness. Finally, in “Practical Holiness,” he tries to encourage his audience, in the love of God, to live out what they have learned.
Please note that these messages were originally recorded on tape and are missing some portions where the original tape changed sides. These messages are useful in evangelistic contexts and have been used by God for the salvation of many. May the Lord use them for great progress in your own life.
What’s Wrong with American Christianity?
What Is the Grace of the Gospel?
How Can You Have Assurance?
The Holiness of God
Practical Holiness