True Gospel | Paul Washer
Texts: Romans 3:23; Ezekiel 36:22-27; Mark 1:14; Matthew 7:13; Song of Solomon
This series is a full-orbed presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, presented at a church in Hannibal, Missouri. For those familiar with the Spiritual Emphasis Week sermons, this series is a bit fuller in its explanations. For that reason, several of its messages are quite long.
In “Man Apart from God,” Paul does something rarely done today: he shows the sinfulness of mankind in all of its horror and helplessness. After that, the audience is then ready for the good news of salvation in Christ, explained in “What Is the Gospel?” The sermon “Conversion” is dedicated to showing that being “born again” involves a radical change of lifestyle from sinfulness to godliness. “Repent and Believe” is very similar, explaining from Scripture what these two concepts actually mean. In answer to the worldliness and inclusivity of modern Christianity, Paul then reminds us of “The Narrow Way” described by Jesus. Finally, “Acceptance in the Beloved” is a wonderful description of the great love that God has for believers.
Altogether, these messages effectively contrast the weak, modern gospel with the depth and glory of the biblical gospel. Many have been helped by them. They have been used by God to convert unbelievers and also to deepen the understanding, love, and joy of Christians.
Man Apart from God
What Is the Gospel? (two disks)
Conversion (two disks)
Repent and Believe
The Narrow Way (two disks)
Acceptance in the Beloved (two disks)