Understanding Tribulation | Charles Leiter
Texts: Acts 14:19-23; 1 Peter 1:6-7; John 15:1-2; Hebrews 12:3-11
According to Acts 14:22, Christians must endure much tribulation. Most of us know that already, but what you may not know is that this tribulation is meant to be an encouragement to us. In this sermon, Charles Leiter demonstrates this by appealing to three biblical pictures which describe the trials of Christians: the refining of gold (1 Peter 1:6-7), the pruning of vines (John 15:1-2), and the disciplining of sons (Hebrews 12:3-11). He shows that all three images point to the same truths: that we are precious to God, that trial is painful, and that God's goal is to help us grow in godliness. It would be best for all Christians to meditate on such truths before times of trial, so that they can draw on these teachings for strength when those times come. We hope this message will help you to do that.